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light engine 不掛列車的機車 。

light evening

The great competition of automobile market has urged the factories to shorten the product development time ; and on the other hand , with the development of turbo , high power and light engine , the researchers have kept their eyes on the intensity more than the past =汽車市場的激烈競爭,促使生產廠家極大地縮短了產品開發時間;另一方面,發動機朝著增壓、高功率、輕量化方向的迅速發展,又使研究人員更加注重發動機強度問題的研究。

By analysising the thin film system , polarization and absorption of material , the relation ship between these parameters and the chroma of the light engine system is built . then a programm is writen in c + + language to realize the method 通過分析該系統從光源到分色合色和投影鏡頭的膜系結構,偏振特性,材料吸收等對系統能量分布的影響,建立了各個參數與系統色度之間的關系。

In this thesis , three - pan light engine system is discussed . on the base of chroma theory , a method for analysising and designing color separating and combining system is provided 本論文著重分析了三片式液晶光學引擎系統,在色度學理論的基礎上,結合光學引擎系統,提出了一套分析設計該系統的分色合色部分的方法。

Cermax xenon by perkinelmer is the light engine of choice for today s premier video applications , including rear projection rptv , home theater projector , and digital cinema Perkinelmer提供的cermax氙燈是一種優秀的照明引擎,能夠滿足當前主流視頻場合的需要,如背投電視rptv ,家庭劇院投影機與數位電影等等

Be responsible for research of development of powersupply , light engine boards , tv board , system controller board , audio board 負責調研和開發電源、光機板、電視板、系統控制板和聲音控制板等。

At last , the programm is proven by using the parameters of an existing light engine system 然后對系統建立一個數學模型,用軟件的方法,模擬光學引擎的工作過程。

Optical light engine 投影機光學引擎